Support for innovation and technology transfer
Support institution: Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)
Funding source: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project submission:
From May 8, 2024
Development and commercialisation of new products, services or research projects to increase the share of innovative entrepreneurs in the economy by linking entrepreneurs and research organisations.
Grant applicant:
Micro, small or medium enterprises registered in Latvia
Feasibility study
Eligible costs: feasibility studies (contract studies) provided by the research organisation.
Support for the evaluation and analysis of a potential new product or technology.
Industrial research
Eligible costs: industrial research (contract studies) provided by the research organisation.
Support for research aimed at acquiring new knowledge and techniques to be used for the development of new products or technologies or for the substantial improvement of existing products or technologies.
Experimental development
Eligible costs: experimental development (contract studies) provided by the research organisation.
Support for the acquisition, combination, modelling or use of scientific, technological, commercial or other relevant knowledge or skills to create new, modified or improved products or technologies
Industrial design of products
Eligible costs: industrial design of products (contract studies) provided by the research organisation.
Support for the development of an aesthetic and functional solution for the product, while improving or creating an engineering, use, ergonomics and brand development solution
Establishing industrial property rights
Eligible costs: the cost of securing the title of ownership by a competent registered body or a nationally recognised patent attorney.
Potential industrial property objects: patent, licence agreement, plant variety, registered design, semiconductor product or application, trademark.
Product or technology certification and testing services
Eligible costs: costs of certification or testing services provided by a product certification body or a testing and calibration laboratory.
Designer services for new product and process innovation
Eligible costs: the cost of design services for new product and process innovation.
Supports the research and identification of the client's (user's) experience and current situation and the identification of problems, the creation of solutions, their prototyping, prototype testing,
as well as the implementation and improvement of solutions based on the feedback provided by the client (user).
Attracting highly qualified staff.
Eligible costs: personnel costs for highly qualified staff.
Staff with at least a Master's degree in science, mathematics, information technology, engineering and technology, manufacturing and processing, or design, or 3 years' experience.
A maximum of 3 specialists per enterprise.
Not been employed by the enterprise or its group of connected persons in the last 3 years.
Atbalstāmā darbība | Mikro, mazais komersants | Vidējais komersants | Atbalsta apmērs |
Atbalstāmā darbība | Mikro, mazais komersants | Vidējais komersants | Atbalsta apmērs |
1.Tehniski ekonomiskā priekšizpēte
| 70-85% | 60-85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
2. Rūpnieciskie pētījumi | 70-85% | 60-85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
3. Eksperimentālā izstrāde | 45-85% | 35-85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
4. Produkta rūpnieciskā dizaina izstrāde | 85% | 85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
5. Rūpnieciskā īpašuma tiesību nostiprināšana | 85% | 50-85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
6. Produkta vai tehnoloģijas sertificēšanas un testēšanas pakalpojumi | 85% | 85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
7. Augsti kvalificētu darbinieku piesaiste | 45%
| 45% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
8. Dizainera pakalpojums jauna produkta un procesa inovāciju ieviešanai komersantam | 50-85% | 50-85% | Atbalsts līdz 25 000 EUR viena jauna produkta vai tehnoloģijas izstrādei |
Vaučers vienreizējam pasākumam | 100% | 100% | Atbalsts līdz 5 000 EUR |
Eligible actions:
| Micro (small) enterprises | Medium enterprises | Amount of support |
1. Feasibility study | 70-85% | 60-85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
2. Industrial research | 70-85% | 60-85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
3. Experimental development | 45-85%
| 35-85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
4. Industrial design of products | 85% | 85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
5. Establishing industrial property rights | 85% | 50-85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
6. Product or technology certification and testing services | 85% | 85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
7. Attracting highly qualified staff | 45% | 45% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
8. Designer services for
new product and
process innovation | 50-85% | 50-85% | Aid up to EUR 25 000 for the development of one new product or technology |
Voucher for a one-off measure | 100% | 100% | Up to 5 000 EUR |
Поддерживаемые действия | Микро, малые коммерсанты | Средние коммерсанты | Объём поддержки |
1. Технико-экономическое
обоснование | 100% | 100% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
2. Промышленные
исследования | 50-85% | 50-85% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
3. Опытно-промышленная
разработк | 45%
| 45% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
4. Дизайн промышленной
продукции | 85% | 85% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
5. Права на объекты
собственности | 85% | 50-85% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
6. Услуги по сертификации
и испытаниям продукции
или технологий | 85% | 85% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
7. Привлечение
работников | 45-85% | 35-85% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
8. Услуги дизайнера для
инноваций в области новых
продуктов и процессов | 70-85% | 60-85% | До 25 000 евро на разработку одного нового продукта или технологии |
Ваучер на разовое
мероприятие (на
перечисленные в пунктах
1-4 данной таблицы) | 70-85% | 60-85% | До 5 000 евро |
Courses of eligible actions:
Eligible costs:
Submitting an application to LIAA
LIAA decision and conclusion of contract issuing of the voucher
Transfer of the voucher to the service provider
Implementation of the eligible actions
LIAA pays the voucher to the service provider
Final report by the enterprise on the activities carried out
List of documents to be submitted:
Project application form;
Declaration on the qualification of an enterprise as a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise.